Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Example of MC script for semi formal event

Do you like to be MC? What are you going to talk if you are MC? You don't know? Well, don't worry. Here, I'd like to share you the MC script. This script is for semi formal event. 

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to English Pintar 2014.
Good morning for The honorable Mayor of pontianak
The honorable Dean of teacher training and education faculty 
The honorable adjudicators,
The honorable guests
And the honorable participants of English Pintar 2014.

First of all, let’s thank to God the almighty who giving us the mercy and blessing until we can attend in this event without any obstacles and also in this happy place and time.
Ladies and gentlemen, as we know that this event, English Pintar is one of the event which held by English Student Association (ESA) since 1994 until now. The purpose of this event is the participants can improve their English skill especially speaking skill, which is implied in our theme ‘Conquer Your Fear, Heal the World’ so that the participants are able to conquer their fear, compete and show up to the world their English ability.

Ladies and gentlemen, our event is supported by Governor of  West Kalimatan, Education department of Pontianak, Mayor of Pontianak, Rector of Tanjungpura University, and  Dean of teacher training and education faculty. And here, we are sponsored by: Excellence English Studio, Funstation, and wardah cosmetic. And we also have some amazing Media Partners, they are: Radio Partner, Radio Kita, Radio Volare, Radio RI Pro 2, Radio primadona, Radio Vista, Pon Tv, Tribun Pontianak, Harian Berkat, Pontianak Post.

Ladies and Gentlemen, for today we have English Speech Contest for Junior and Senior High School category, and tomorrow we are going to hold English Story Telling for Elementary School and Junior High School category. On next Saturday, we are going told English Debating Championship.

 Ladies and gentlemen, before we start to his competition today, let me introduce the honorable adjudicators, they are ……

Ladies and gentlemen, standing in front of you all, I am Della, as master of ceremony, I would like to deliver the agenda in this event as follows:
-       The first agenda is opening.
-       The second agenda is remark by Chairperson of English Pintar2014
-       The second remark by Chairperson ESA,
-       The third remark is delivered by the Dean of techer training and Education Faculty.
-       The fourth remark is delivered by the Mayor of  Pontianak and also officially to open this event.
-       The third agenda is entertainment by Deyomemo.
-       The fourth agenda is inviting the participants.
-       The last agenda is closing.

Ladies and gentlemen, Now, we are going to the first agenda, it is the opening. Let’s open our agenda today by saying basmallah together. Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen, may Allah makes our agenda run well. Amin
Ladies and gentlemen, for the second agenda is speech. The first speech will be delivered by the chairperson of EP2014 for Miss Dewi the time is yours. Thank you, Miss Dewi for the remark.
For the next remark will be delivered by the chairperson of ESA, for Mr. Indra, time is yours. Thanks you Mr. Indra.
Ladies and gentlemen, for the next speech will be delivered by the Mayor of Pontianak and we expect to be pleasure to officially open this event, for Mr. … the time is yours, please.
Ladies and gentlemen, it was the remark from Mr.... , and thank you for being pleasure to open this event.
Ladies and gentlemen, for the third agenda is entertainment, it will be entertained by 'Deyomemo' Let’s enjoy it. Thank you, your performance is very interesting. Big applause for the performance.

Ladies and gentleman, the next agenda is competitions, let me invite the first participant of English Speech Contest 2014. He/she is from…… and the topic is… ladies and gentleman, please welcome...
Big applause for…. What a great performance. So now I'd like to invite the second contestant....

Ladies and gentlemen, we have enjoyed all agenda. Now we are in the end of this event today but before closing our meeting, I am as the master of ceremony, I have made many mistakes during holding this agenda and I apologize for these. Well ladies and gentlemen, let’s close our meeting by saying hamdalah together. Thank’s for your attention. May we meet again in other meeting, and please enjoy the performance by …….
See you tomorrow in English Speech Contest 2012. 
Have a nice day and Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

Listening- Health Benefit of Biking

Health benefits of Biking

Hi guys. This is my second video and summary. Enjoy it and keep listen.
This video is about a man, Peter Nielsen and her daughter, Dane Nielsen who are riding bike in the morning. The man explained about the benefits of biking and the way to find the bicycle that best for used. The man said that one of the best forms of cardiovascular exercise was riding your bike, entire your family. The benefits are endless. A personal 150 pounds could actually burn 150 calories in just 30 minutes. If you riding bike for 30 minutes each day, it will take 23 days to lose 1 pound of fat. If you ride that same bicycle around 30 minutes each day, you will lose 16 pounds for a year.  

Your goal for intensity is to make sure your pedal 70 Revolutions per Minutes. The higher the gear, the more revolutions the more you work in your musculature. The lower the gear, the more revolutions, the more you work in your heart. 
Peter also explained about how to find the best bike for us. The first thing that you need to decide is how you going to utilize the bicycle or you going to analyze it for on road, off-road, or you looking for comfort. Peter showed four bikes. 

The first bike has smaller tire. That got your fenders so that you are not going to have worry about going to through. It has great handlebar so you are not bend over, your brakes are convenient. It also has some shock absorptions, and space if you want to carry something. When you are measuring yourself for a bicycle, you need to make sure that you are not take your thigh inhabits more than parallel with the floor. 

The second bike is for man version; it got a lot of shock absorption even if you are going through a subdivision. The third bicycle has everything to do, hybrid. You can be on-road as well as off-road. When you are on a hybrid, you are still going to have comfort but make sure it has good shock absorption. The fourth bike is mountain bike. If you are in mud, dirt or in the bad trail, you have something that is going to be comfort. 

Do not forget about your safety. Make sure that you and your family wear helmet when you are biking. We need to keep our brain in our head. You need to apply USA standard of safety, CPSC.